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PMA Team Insights - Essential Skills for Nonprofit Leadership

July 24, 2024


The nonprofit sector benefits tremendously from the diverse skills and experience held by leaders working across the country, even if these assets are applied in highly varied ways. Building on a foundation of passion for their work, leaders also must be able to motivate, inspire confidence among many types of stakeholders, and consistently draw on humility and self-awareness. Watch the video above to learn more about the skills and expertise that PMA team members believe are most important for nonprofit leaders to develop. 

About PMA Nonprofit Leadership 

As a firm, PMA Nonprofit Leadership is constantly developing content and programs to help you in three distinct ways.  The first way is to help you be a thought leader in the nonprofit sector by producing weekly content through our podcast Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership. The second way is through individual coaching, training and our unique Mastermind Nonprofit Leadership program. The third way is to help your nonprofit organization through support of its strategic planning, board & staff development, and fundraising. Through our exclusive partnership with the Institute for Philanthropic Leadership, we also  guide aspiring nonprofit leaders through the virtual Emerging Leaders in Philanthropy cohort training program, as well as the annual Leadership Gift School, now entering its 13th cohort season.  Let us know how we can help you! Join our community by signing up for our free resources here, and reaching out to us today.


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