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227: 3 Keys to Effective Nonprofit Leadership: (Christina Edwards)

September 5, 2023

screen-shot-2023-09-05-at-11-36-08-amWhere are you on your path to nonprofit leadership? Are you effectively serving your mission, your donors, and your board of directors with integrity, consistency, and clarity? In episode #227 of Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership, acclaimed purpose and profit coach Christina Edwards discusses vital qualities effective leaders share within the philanthropic sector and how you can effectively grow and enhance your skills. Do you struggle with calendar management? Christina explains how and why it's essential to seize control and manage your time. Learn how she advises nonprofit leaders to increase their organization's visibility with donors and hear how Christina addresses a lack of time and funding, two challenges nonprofit leaders often face.


"Ensure your inner dialogue is a two-way conversation with more positive talking than negative listening.



Christina Edwards is the Founder of Splendid Consulting and host of the Purpose and Profit Club Podcast, a lifelong entrepreneur, marketing and business coach who works with ambitious nonprofit leaders. Her popular courses, Easy Emails and Amplify Social Impact, teach organizations how to get noticed and funded, create a magnetic voice, and make lead generation simple and painless!