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How Do You Manage a Small Nonprofit with Limited Resources? (Michael Schneider)

October 17, 2023

dsc03122-print69As a nonprofit leader, do you struggle with limited resources that must be carefully managed in order to maximize the impact of your organization's work? Learn from Michael Schneider, founder of a successful small nonprofit finding huge success, in episode #232 of Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership. Michael shares how to be efficient with a small team and how strategic outsourcing allows nonprofit leaders be more directly involved with their mission. He also shares ways to better communicate your message through productive and creative uses of social media. Michael also talks effective fundraising for a small organization. How do you identify, steward, and even create legacy giving among your donors when your resources are in short supply?


"Nonprofit leaders who roll up their sleeves and face their barriers head-on often avoid the magnification of many challenges."



Michael Schneider started Pilots To The Rescue back in 2015 to combine his love of aviation and saving animals. Michael is a commercial, instrument-rated pilot with more than 1,200 hours. When Michael isn't flying, he enjoys spending time with his wife, 4 boys under 7 years of age, and his 90 lb. rescue dog. Michael currently resides in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and flies out of Essex County Airport (KCDW) in Caldwell, NJ.