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The Book is One Year Old! Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership Celebrates Anniversary

May 26, 2022

Many thanks to everyone who has supported the book, "Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership: Seven Keys to Advancing Your Career in the Philanthropic Sector," which was released on March 8th, 2022. "The response has far exceeded my expectations when I began writing it," noted author Patton McDowell. "Thanks to the overwhelming support and widespread distribution, many nonprofit leaders have benefited from what I hope is a practical guide to defining their career goals and guidance toward charting a clear path to achieve them."

Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership has received multiple recognitions over the past year from peers in the nonprofit sector. It reached #1 on Amazon's Best Sellers List in multiple categories including Philanthropy & Charity, Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Job Hunting and Careers & Advice. Reviewers have described the book as full of "takeaways about leadership, personal development, understanding 'your why', and a book that offers many practical examples of how to develop a personal strategic plan will benefit you in any industry." Others have praised the book as a "fantastic roadmap I would recommend to any non-profit leader and one I'll be sharing with friends and clients."

If you haven't gotten your copy yet, check out this link for print and eBook options. For a limited time, you can get the electronic version of the book for just 99 cents! Interested in a discounted bulk order for your team or organizational event? Looking for a signed copy? Contact Jean Bock at and she'd be happy to help you out. 

With a verified purchase of the book, you can support the book's outreach further by leaving a review and rating on Amazon to help spread this toolkit to other aspiring leaders across the sector. With your help, this book will continue to help nonprofit professionals accelerate their journeys to senior leadership and maximize their positive impact in their communities. Look out for an audible version and a companion workbook coming this Spring as well!

About PMA Nonprofit Leadership 

As a firm, PMA Nonprofit Leadership is constantly developing content and programs to help you in three distinct ways. The first way is to help you be a thought leader in the nonprofit sector by producing weekly content through our podcast Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership. Individual coaching, training and our unique Mastermind Nonprofit Leadership program are the second ways to go. The third way is to help your nonprofit organization through support of its strategic planning, board & staff development, and fundraising. Through our exclusive partnership with the Institute for Philanthropic Leadership, we also guide aspiring nonprofit leaders through the virtual New Development Professionals cohort training program, as well as the annual Leadership Gift School, now entering its 11th cohort season. Let us know how we can help you! Join our community by signing up for our free resources here, and schedule a call if you'd like to learn more about ways we can help you on your journey to nonprofit leadership.