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Patton's Picks: All It Takes is a Goal

July 31, 2024

Leadership Resources for the Philanthropic Sector

65 Welcome to this edition of Patton's Picks, where we delve into All It Takes is a Goal by Jon Acuff. This motivational book unpacks the transformative power of setting and pursuing clear, actionable goals. Acuff’s engaging style and practical advice make this book a must-read for nonprofit leaders who aim to turn their aspirations into achievements. Here’s why All It Takes is a Goal is indispensable:

  • You Want to Master Strategic Planning: Acuff provides a roadmap for not just setting goals but achieving them through strategic planning and persistent action. This book offers tools and techniques to break down your organization's big visions into manageable, actionable steps.

  • You Seek to Enhance Productivity & Organization: Learn to organize your tasks and manage your time effectively around your goals. Acuff’s tips help streamline processes and ensure that every effort is directly contributing to your targets.

  • You Aim to Develop a Learning Plan: Goal setting is an ongoing learning process. Acuff encourages a mindset of growth and adaptation, crucial for personal development and organizational agility.

Stay tuned for more of Patton's Picks, your essential guide to resources that prepare you for a rewarding journey in nonprofit leadership.

Dr. Patton McDowell, CFRE, MBA, is the creator of the innovative PMA Mastermind Leadership Program, a unique offering designed to elevate nonprofit leaders through comprehensive training and peer collaboration. He is also the author of the best-selling book, Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership, and host of the weekly podcast with the same name, available here. Since founding PMA Nonprofit Leadership in 2009, Patton has strategically guided over 300 nonprofit organizations to achieve their fullest potential. A Certified Fundraising Executive and Master Trainer for AFP Global, he serves as Executive in Residence at Cornell University's Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy and as Director of the Institute for Philanthropic Leadership.

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