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Why Your Nonprofit is Doing Strategic Planning All Wrong (Sarah Olivieri)

October 4, 2023

1620147630721What exactly is strategic planning for a nonprofit organization? Does your plan truly align with your mission, and do you know how to actually get the plan in motion? Sarah Olivieri shares her unique approach to strategic planning and board engagement that every nonprofit leader will want to consider in episode #230 of Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership. She explains her 5 keys to better strategic planning and the role your board should play in building an effective strategic framework.



"While nonprofits ARE businesses, for-profit strategies don't always translate to the philanthropic sector."



Sarah Olivieri has been called a "Business Alchemist" in the nonprofit space; others have called her "The Money". She's the wizard behind the curtain who has orchestrated the transformation of nonprofit organizations, from failing to thriving, which never fails to make the jaws drop of for-profit business experts. As the former director of three nonprofits and founder of five for-profit businesses, she understands, deeply, the challenges and complexities facing organizations. She's brought nonprofits back from the brink of insolvency. She's averted major cash-flow crises, solved funding droughts, resolved board conflicts, and everything in. Sarah, who is also an international best-selling author and globally renowned speaker, is the creator of the Impact Method™ - a framework she designed and built from the ground up, to help organizations simplify their operations, build aligned teams, and make a bigger impact without getting overwhelmed or burning out. Her company, PivotGround, supports nonprofits to become financially sustainable world-changers, and she has an incredible 100% success rate. 

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