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Timely Book Recommendations from Our Podcast Guests

For every guest who joins the Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership Podcast, we ask them for a book recommendation to share with the aspiring and established nonprofit leaders in our audience. Explore the compiled library below with subjects ranging from productivity to program management, and everything in between. 

Podcast Photo (New 2024)
Recommended Title:
  1. Slow Productivity by Cal Newport
Pod Guest Headshot - Beth Kanter (279)
Beth Kanter - Thought Leader & Trainer
Chris Wong - Owner of Leadership Potential
Recommended Title:
  1. Atomic Habits by James Clear
Recommended Title:
  1. Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson
Sally Loftis - Managing Director of Loftis Partners
Pod Guest Book Headshot - Andrew Olsen
Andrew Olsen - EVP, Fundraising at DickersonBakker
Pod Guest Headshot - Shannon Williams (275)
Shannon Williams - Managing Director at Armstrong McGuire
Pod Guest Headshot (Bruce Ham)
Bruce Ham - CEO: YMCA of the Triangle
Recommended Title:
  1. The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by Katherine Crowley & Kathi Elster
Recommended Title:
  1. Working With You is Killing Me by Katherine Crowley & Kathi Elster
Pod Guest Headshot - Tara Townsend
Tara Townsend - President of IFF's Social Impact Accelerator
Pod Guest Headshot - Andria Larson (272)
Andria Larson - Executive Director of Lasagna Love
Recommended Title:
  1. The Second CEO by Matt Sharrers
Pod Guest Headshot - Hunter Corn (#271)
Hunter Corn - Director of Wildacres Leadership Initiative
Podcast Guest Photo - Katya Hancock (270)
Katya Hancock - Executive Director of Young Futures
Podcast Guest Photo - Jenny Mitchell (269)
Jenny Mitchell - CVO of Chavender
AJM bio pic - cropped
Alexia Maas - CEO of Stratevix
Recommended Title:
  1. Free to Focus by Michael Hyatt
Podcast Guest Photo - Anton Skornyakov
Anton Skornyakov - Managing Director of Agile Coach
Yolanda Robano-Gross - CEO of Options for Community Living
Recommended Title:
  1. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Recommended Title:
  1. Mindset by Carol S. Dweck
Screen Shot 2024-03-13 at 2.50.58 PM
Witnie Martinez - Founder of Absolute Impact Consulting
Michael Randel - Founder of Randel Consulting
Recommended Title:
  1. The Psychological Safety Playbook by Minette Norman and Karolin Helbig
Recommended Title:
  1. The Generosity Crisis by Nathan Chappell, Brian Crimmins, & Michael Ashley


David Blyer Headshot
David Blyer - CEO of Arreva
Will Sparks - McColl School of Business at Queens University
Recommended Title:
  1. Actualized Teamwork by Will Sparks


Recommended Title:
  1.  Atomic Habits by James Clear


Matt Sharp - Founder of Sharp Advising
Kate Grant - CEO of the Fistula Foundation
Brian Quail - CEO of Quail Consulting
Leif Headshot
Leif Cocks - Founder of Wildlife Conservation International (WCI)
Recommended Title:
  1. The Razor's Edge by Somerset Maugham


Screen Shot 2024-04-03 at 3.50.51 PM
Carol Bowser - Founder of Conflict Management Strategies
Recommended Title:
  1. Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl.


Jonathan Schick Photo
Jonathan Schick - President of GOAL Consulting
Haley Cooper - Founder of the Savvy Fundraiser
Recommended Title:
  1. Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond.


Alyssia Palacios-Wood - CEO of Capital IDEA
Donald Summers - CEO of Altruist Partners
Diane Strand - President of JDS Video & Media
Screen Shot 2024-02-07 at 3.29.03 PM
Froswa' Booker-Drew - Founder of the Reconciliation & Restoration Foundation
Chris Weedon - Founder of the Mentally Shredded Foundation
Recommended Title:
  1. Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey.


Carol Hardison - CEO of Crisis Assistance Ministry
Karen Knight - Board President of the Kamloops Therapeutic Riding Association
Recommended Title:
  1. From the Top Down by Susan Ellis.


Recommended Title:
  1. The Nonprofit Strategy Revolution by David La Piana and Melissa Mendes.


Marie Palacios - Lead Consultant for Funding Good
Carmita Semaan - CEO of The Surge Institute
Recommended Title:
  1. Quiet by Susan Cain.


Recommended Title:
  1. Servant Leadership by Susan Cain.


Regina Moody - CEO of Holy Angels