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Facilitated Board & Staff Retreats

Seize the Opportunity

Your organization plays a pivotal role in the community. To magnify this impact, it's crucial to effectively engage your board and staff members in shaping your strategic future. Imagine an immersive retreat designed to align your board and/or staff with your organization’s goals, ensuring they are equipped to support and advance your mission. Our expertly facilitated retreats are the perfect setting for strategic exercises that empower your team to inspire and enrich the community.

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Retreat Goals

  • Provide tactical tools and resources to increase board and staff capacity
  • Conduct strategic exercises to build consensus and momentum
  • Encourage collaboration through structured dialogues and breakout sessions

Features of a Typical Agenda (5 hours)

  • Immediate Engagement: Develop clear outline of retreat objectives, establish participation guidelines, and create personal connection through opening exercise
  • Building Blocks: Dive into mission and vision, with activities such as the Elevator Speech to better articulate organizational impact
  • Maximizing Engagement: Analyze board/team dynamics and effectiveness, review best practices of high-performing organizations, and discuss ways to optimize committee or team functions
  • Strategic Positioning: Explore opportunities for new programs and strategic alliances to expand organizational reach and impact
  • Strategic Discussion/Breakouts: Engage in targeted breakout sessions to prioritize organizational strengths and address immediate challenges
  • Wrap-Up Discussion: Conclude with key takeaways, reinforcing commitments, strategic insights and next steps
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Expected Results

While the primary objective is to provide an engaging board retreat, our ultimate goal is to help your organization achieve enduring success. Drawing from our extensive experience, we focus on Five Keys to Success:

    • Articulate Clearly: Enhance how you communicate your mission, vision, and values
    • Build Capacity: Maximize the time and talent of your staff and board
    • Strengthen Community Ties: Improve your standing within the community and forge new strategic partnerships
    • Enhance Giving Programs: Develop more effective individual, major, and legacy giving strategies
    • Focus Strategically: Sharpen your approach to leadership, evaluation, and innovation